Got down to the Nanaimo River estuary, and it was very pleasant with singing savannah sparrows, robins, white-crowned sparrows and the like filling the air.
The group of golden-crowned sparrows was feeding on the path and there with them, was the white-throated sparrow.
Still a dozen or so greater yellowlegs were on the river, as was an otter.
There was no evidence whatsoever, of newly arrived anythings! Next time, maybe...
After work, I headed to Holden Creek to check the wet fields - if there were any waders on the move, hopefully they'd be here, as it was high tide. Guess what? Nowt. Well, apart from a single greater yellowlegs and 2 killdeer. Approximately 80 green-winged teal were feeding in the creeks, as was a pair of hooded merganser.
A pair of white-fronted geese were with the Canadas in the farm fields.
I decided to have a peek at the estuary, flushing a turkey vulture (pic) on the way - it was chowing down on a hapless racoon corpse on the roadside.
The yellowlegs on the Nanaimo River had gained some new recruits, and now numbered 24.
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